

formercactus (Sep. 2017 – Dec. 2018) was an online magazine of prose, poetry, and art.

Regardless of genre or tone, we were fascinated by: characters with one foot in a world and one in another, pushing towards change; oddballs; ironic tragedies; connections between unconnected things; Borgean metanarratives; infinitesimal truths—all of which peppered with ample surrealism. We dream of publishing the Massive Attack of flash fiction, the High Maintenance of prose poetry. Help us make it so.

We’re presently and hopelessly in love with the minds of: Haruki Murakami, Rivka Galchen, China Miéville, A. M. Homes, Italo Calvino, Chuck Palahniuk, Aimee Bender, Amy Hempel, Osamu Dazai, Kelly Link, George Saunders, Jeff Jackson, Jesse Ball, Paul Auster, Denis Johnson, Tao Lin, William Gibson, David Foster Wallace, Sam Lipsyte, Brian Evenson, Matthew Derby, Mary Gaitskill, Stanislaw Lem, Jeff VanderMeer, Eugenio Montale, Don DeLillo, Kurt Vonnegut, Amèlie Nothomb, Etgar Keret, José Saramago, Neil Gaiman, Cormac McCarthy, Raymond Chandler, and possibly many more we’re shamefully forgetting right now.

We ran 14 Issues and published roughly a hundred authors.

We’ve been Lana, Ion, and Willem.






If you feel like supporting formercactus, one of us wrote a book:
